‘Perqafimi’ translation: the hug, or embracing in Albanian
Original by Enea Ziu
Oil on canvas
100 x 120 cm
About the artist:
Enea Ziu is a painter and musician born in Tirana on March 31, 1991. He studied monumental painting and public art (BA) at the University of Arts, Tirana, and obtained a Master’s degree in Monumental Painting and teaching at the same institution. His passion for art emerged relatively late when, at the age of 26, he decided to interrupt his studies in telecommunications engineering at UPT to compete at the University of Arts.
During his studies at UART, he becomes an active part of the dialogue group “AGORA,” founded by Egi Xherija in 2017, where he participates in and leads several discussions of interest to students of the Faculty of Fine Arts.
In 2018, through an Erasmus program, he undergoes training on graphic techniques in Ourense, Spain, and concludes this training with an exhibition titled “14” at the ESAD “Antonio Failde” premises, Ourense, Spain. After completing his master’s studies, he became part of the mosaic “Shqipëtarët” restoration group on the facade of the National Historical Museum, Tirana.
Together with Egi Xherija, he hosts a podcast oriented towards culture called “Tempulli i Onufrit.” However, a significant part of his creative activity extends to the field of music, which serves as a constant source of inspiration for his visual creations.
‘Perqafimi’ translation: the hug, or embracing in Albanian
Original by Enea Ziu
Oil on canvas
100 x 120 cm
About the artist:
Enea Ziu is a painter and musician born in Tirana on March 31, 1991. He studied monumental painting and public art (BA) at the University of Arts, Tirana, and obtained a Master’s degree in Monumental Painting and teaching at the same institution. His passion for art emerged relatively late when, at the age of 26, he decided to interrupt his studies in telecommunications engineering at UPT to compete at the University of Arts.
During his studies at UART, he becomes an active part of the dialogue group “AGORA,” founded by Egi Xherija in 2017, where he participates in and leads several discussions of interest to students of the Faculty of Fine Arts.
In 2018, through an Erasmus program, he undergoes training on graphic techniques in Ourense, Spain, and concludes this training with an exhibition titled “14” at the ESAD “Antonio Failde” premises, Ourense, Spain. After completing his master’s studies, he became part of the mosaic “Shqipëtarët” restoration group on the facade of the National Historical Museum, Tirana.
Together with Egi Xherija, he hosts a podcast oriented towards culture called “Tempulli i Onufrit.” However, a significant part of his creative activity extends to the field of music, which serves as a constant source of inspiration for his visual creations.
‘Perqafimi’ translation: the hug, or embracing in Albanian
Original by Enea Ziu
Oil on canvas
100 x 120 cm
About the artist:
Enea Ziu is a painter and musician born in Tirana on March 31, 1991. He studied monumental painting and public art (BA) at the University of Arts, Tirana, and obtained a Master’s degree in Monumental Painting and teaching at the same institution. His passion for art emerged relatively late when, at the age of 26, he decided to interrupt his studies in telecommunications engineering at UPT to compete at the University of Arts.
During his studies at UART, he becomes an active part of the dialogue group “AGORA,” founded by Egi Xherija in 2017, where he participates in and leads several discussions of interest to students of the Faculty of Fine Arts.
In 2018, through an Erasmus program, he undergoes training on graphic techniques in Ourense, Spain, and concludes this training with an exhibition titled “14” at the ESAD “Antonio Failde” premises, Ourense, Spain. After completing his master’s studies, he became part of the mosaic “Shqipëtarët” restoration group on the facade of the National Historical Museum, Tirana.
Together with Egi Xherija, he hosts a podcast oriented towards culture called “Tempulli i Onufrit.” However, a significant part of his creative activity extends to the field of music, which serves as a constant source of inspiration for his visual creations.